The Little Prince

The Little Prince

Tales are important learning experiences. The struggles of the hero are examples that help us fight our personal problems in real life. It is also crucial to set the idol of a supportive, helping attitude for children. Inspired by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's novel we created a positive winning story: our little hero saves the world from Evil, its destructive powers, the improper human behaviour.
A fairy tale hero must walk a bumpy road to make everything that's ugly, bad or unfair good and beautiful. A tale puts our abilities to a test while taking us into the world of unlimited possibilities. The Little Prince contains truths that are more and more missing from our lives.

"What's exciting about the Little Prince is that he remains pure while not being innocent, that is he is able to believe in love. In our version of the story the adult world can be defeated. It is possible that we are more naive than the Little Prince." – beckzoli (30y)

- ballet in one act inspired by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's novel -
The very first ballet composed by 30Y rock icons Zoli Beck and Papa Sárközy Papa
(30Y is one of the notable and most popular alternative rock bands of Hungary.)
Premiére: 29 January 2016 | National Theatre of Pécs, Chamber Theatre

We recommend the performance for children above 6 years of age.

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Kulturális és Innovációs Minisztérium Emberi Erőforrás Támogatáskezelő Nemzeti Kulturális Alap Zsolnay Örökségkezelő NKft. Pécs Pécs Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata Kedvenc KM Kft.


Pécsi Nemzeti Színház Nemzeti Táncszínház Müpa Magyar Táncművészek Szövetsége Rádió 1 Pécs Pécs FM Made in Pécs