Romeo and Juliet

Ballet in 2 parts
Everlasting thoughts, human relationships and the widest scale of emotions appear in the tragic yet uplifting story of the star-crossed lovers: Romeo and Juliet. Their story teaches us about reasonableness, self-restraint and acceptance. How can civilized people instinctively reject and fight each other? Where does this preposterous hatred come from? Does the death of Romeo and Juliet solve the conflict of the families? Is it possible to pacify the implacable?
Vincze Balázs’s passionate and dynamic choreography gives a new meaning to William Shakespeare’s story. A stunning visual world is created by stage designer Cziegler Balázs and costume designer Kiss Julcsi. The company’s philosophy and its key to success is to work with contemporary composers. Inspired by great classics, the original music of the piece was written by Riederauer Richárd. Respecting the legacy and the innovation of Shakespeare, our goal is to touch the hearts of our audience and make them think.
Our tour to Germany in 2023 is funded by the Ministry of Culture and Innovation.
Premiére: 14 September 2018 at the National Theatre of Pécs
Budapest premiére: 2 October 2018 at Müpa Budapest
Co-production between Ballet Pécs and the National Theatre of Pécs, funded by the National Cultural Fund.
The 12th Pécs International Dance Festival is funded by the National Cultural Fund and the Ministry of Human Resources.
The Budapest premiére and other performances at Müpa Budapest are organized by the National Dance Theatre.
The premiére was funded by the National Cultural Fund .