Little Red Riding Hood

Fairy-tale ballet in one part
Recommended for children between the ages of 5 and 13
Length of the performance: 50 minutes
Premiere: 15 September 2020, 15.00 p.m. | Venue: Pécs National Theatre
In 2020 Ballet Pécs brings the well-known tale of Little Red Riding Hood to the stage choreographed by Zsolt Molnár, one of the company's outstandingly talented dancers. The Harangozó-award winner soloist, Zsolt Molnár has proven his talent for choreographing previously. His experience as an artist, his technical excellence and his peculiar, one of a kind dance language enable him to tell the story in a way that it has never been done before. His partner in creation and the director of the piece is the Kossuth- and Liszt-award winner merited artist, Teodóra Uhrik. Her experience as a dancer and her knowledge of the art guarantees professional execution. The performers of Ballet Pécs have not only great dancing skills but outstanding character framing abilities, so they are capable of popularizing the art of contemporary ballet as well as the artistic education of the youth in a special language of dance, comprehensible for everyone.
"Our piece starts in a ballet studio, where Little Red Riding Hood is preparing for the premiere of a dance performance with her friends. It is during the rehearsal that she gets the knews of her granny being ill, and she is asked to bring her food. Her best friend offers his company for the journey, so they go together to Little Red Riding Hood's mother, where they take the foods and are alerted to hurry. The road takes them through a dark forest in which they meet two friendly animals, who decide to go with them. Our protagonist is so excited that she leaves the basket full of food behind, and when she remembers to go back for it she meets an elderly man, who seems friendly, but Little Red Riding Hood does not know that the man is actually a wolf in disguise. And from now on, the tale is known... and although eventually, the wolf pays for his actions differently, a happy ending is guaranteed. We tell the story of Little Red Riding Hood with exciting twists and a sense of humour. All are welcome to come and enjoy the performance."
Co-production between Ballet Pécs and the National Theatre of Pécs, funded by the National Cultural Fund and the Ministry of Human Resources.
The 14th Pécs International Dance Festival is funded by the National Cultural Fund and the Ministry of Human Resources.
The Budapest premiére and other performances at the National Dance Theatre in Budapest are organized by the National Dance Theatre.
Our guest performances and tours are supported by the Ministry of Human Resources and the National Cultural Fund.
The creative design is based on the drawing of Kedves Luca, student of the "PTE Deák Ferenc Gyakorló Gimnázium és Általános Iskola".
(See all other drawings of the drawing competition below.)
Graphic Design: Sándor Zsolt.