”Just start to dance Sir, the music will come by itself…” - says Zorba, the iconic literary figure of the autobiographically inspired novel by the Greek Nikos Kazantzakis, who embodied the worship of life. The village that is the location of the story lends a special atmosphere to the plot with its seclusion and wild, cruel customs. However, sorrow and trouble are overridden by the joint dance that Zorba starts on the way to survival. Zorba is the invincible representative of primordial power, and his dance, Sirtaki, is the symbol of the will to live and the ability to live. By staging the ballet of Mikis Theodorakis' Zorba, Ballet Pécs continues its characteristic image created over the past two decades and the theme of modern, audience-friendly performances. The aim of the company is to deliver their message to their audience with innovative visuals and comprehensible dramaturgical formulation. The specialty of the performance is that the choreography is a rarely used fusion of modern dance and folk dance. Zorba is a danceplay for the joy of life. The wonderful music of Theodorakis, the resourcefulness of the creators and the excellent dancers of the Ballet Pécs together evoke the spirit of the mythical Greek hero.
Composer: Mikis Theodorakis
Libretto (based on the novel by Kazantsakis): Böhm György
Dramaturg: Uhrik Teodóra
Stage Designer: Cziegler Balázs
Costume Designer: Túri Erzsébet
Assistant: Kovács Zsuzsanna
Madame Hortense Choreography: Bozsik Yvette
Associate Director: Vincze Balázs
Director - Choreographer: Juhász Zsolt, Zachár Lóránd
JOHN, the Writer: Szabó Márton / Tuboly Szilárd
ZORBA: Koncz Péter
MARINA, the Widow: Frank Edina / Karin Iwata
MADAME HORTENSE: Bozsik Yvette / Samantha Kettle
MIMINTHOS, the Fool: Matola Dávid
PAVLIS: Balogh Csongor
MAVRANTONIS, Pavlis's Father: Molnár Zsolt
MANOLIS, Prefect, Innkeeper: José Blasco Pastor
ANANKÉ: Marina Pérez Ahedo
WOMEN, MEN, VILLAGE PEOPLE: Horváth Réka, Karin Iwata / Frank Edina, Pintér Rebeka, Reetta Riikonen, Rónaki Nina, Domján Kristóf, Szendrői Bence, Tuboly Szilárd / Szabó Márton, Varga Máté,
and Bastidas Veronika, Horváth Zorka, Katona Dóra, Sárosác Mínea, dance students